Models of Syren Shotguns:
Magnus Field | Tempio Field | Tempio Light | ELOS Venti | ELOS Venti Light | XLR5 Waterfowler |
Magnus Sporting | Tempio Sporting | XLR5 Sporting | ELOS N2 Sporting |
Syren, the first brand of firearms for women only.
Caesar Guerini USA and Fabarm USA, announce a collaborative venture to create the first ever brand of shotgun and accessories dedicated to female shooters, Syren USA. The line features over-and-under and semi-automatic shotguns designed for ladies with an emphasis on weight, recoil reduction, stock dimensions, and aesthetics. Each product is given all the consideration that goes into creating products for the male market.
The first task is to make the guns fit properly. Specialized stock dimensions to fit the female anatomy with smaller pistol grips and Monte Carlo style combs are utilized. Almost every dimension of the stock differs from the traditional male oriented models. Sometimes heavy and bulky target guns can be an issue, so the overall weight and balance have been calibrated to make the firearm easy to handle. When reducing weight the must be considered. This has been addressed resulting in a more comfortable shooting experience. The last, yet equally important feature is the cosmetic attributes of the firearm. Everyone wants an attractive shotgun with beautiful wood and detailed engraving, that is why special attention has been given to make each model as elegant and distinctive as possible – you won’t find any pink paint here.
The sporting clays over-and-under models are offered in twelve and twenty gauge. Semi-automatic models are offered in twelve gauge. The hunting models are offered in both standard and light weight versions in twenty and twenty-eight gauge. Accessories will be focused on providing functional equipment-oriented products that work without all unfortunate yet expected compromises found in today’s offerings.